2025 BSA Swim Team

Swim Team & Club Details

Summer Swim Team

**2025 SWIM TEAM INFO Opens March 3rd

Registration for 2025 will open via the from March 3 Parent Portal.

Ensure swimmers are the correct level before registering, if they are not they will be removed and enrollment fees cannot be refunded.

JUNIOR SWIM TEAM available at BRC only High level 3 (Clownfish) - must be independently swimming, speak to instructor to confirm

REGULAR SWIM TEAM: Level 4 (Pufferfish) or higher.

BSA offers a high quality 10 week Summer Swim Program. Our hope is that being a part of our team grants each of our swimmers with individual improvement of stroke, fitness and technique, a better understanding and appreciation of team work, some exposure to healthy competition, and an overall wonderful summer with family and friends.

Swimmers must be between 5-18 years of age and must have reached a level of independence to join (see qualifications).

If you are not familiar with your level, you will need to have your swimmer evaluated. This can be done at 7pm from Monday, Tuesday or Thursday**** at 3311 Allen Rd.

2025 Pricing

$495 Per Swimmer *breakdown below

Please note after the deadlines below, fees are a total amount & will be processed regardless of swimmer attendance. If you change your mind after enrollment, please notify BSA prior to ** April 13th. to avoid paying full fees. **

Payments are divided over a five month period to ease the financial burden to our members. We hope this helps serve our families._ **

Cost includes : Team Practice 4 x per week || 1 hour per day || Plus Team suit, Team T-shirt and swim cap.

Fee Breakdown - per above, ALL FEES will be charged regardless of attendence.

  • Mar: $35 ** Non Refundable fee at time of Registration. This secures your spot on the team, this does not confirm your practice time. This will be made available some time in March.
  • Apr: $70 non refundable after April 1st March & April cover Team Gear .
  • May $160
  • June $160 * Late enrollments + $20 fee.
  • July $70


  • Team T-shirt - Shirt DEADLINE MAR 22 **- after that time - Shirts sizes first come/first served - subject to availability .

  • Team Swimsuits** deadline April 5th. Contact BSA for a link to order form - fees apply after this time

  • Training Start - 1st Practice Mon, May 5th at selected location. Please review your portal for time. (do not refer to the date referenced in the portal)

  • ** Last Practice - Thur, July 10th (last meet July 12th)

  • Kick-Off Party -TBC

  • Team Photo - date/location to be advised

Locations - CAU & BRC

Pracitice Times by Location will be updated for registration via the Parent Portal once available.

  • Location 1: California Aeronautical University - CAU (1450 Boughton Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308) CAU is a University, there are some stricter rules. Please observe parking rules & do not enter in your car past the security gates. We must respect the campus rules including all BSA guests remaining within the pool grounds. We are not authorized to walk around the campus. NO animals allowed at CAU.


Location 2: Bakersfield Racquet Club:** (BRC) 1660 Pine St, Bakersfield CA The Racquet Club is not a deep pool and therefore does not offer the same opportunity to learn to dive, we recommend this location for levels 3 through 5 only.

Practice Times - to be released via Parent Portal for enrollment.

Practice Times by Location will be updated for registration via the Parent Portal. Typically we offer the first month to coincide with swimmers who are still in school, therefore offering afternoon classes and for the balance of the season we will add morning sessions .

Practice: 1 hour per day, Mon through Thurs ****at selected time You will nominate a practice time for the month of May and then throughout the month of May, you will need to select a new time for the month of Jun/Jul - practice are all subject to availability at time of enrollment. Please make sure you're comfortable using the Parent Portal.

Locations: California Aeronautical University (CAU) - 1450 Boughton Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield Racquet Club: (BRC) - 1660 Pine St, Bakersfield CA

Swim Meets ** Link to Kern Swimming below

Kern Swimming Website to be updated KSC Meet Rules

More information will be provided after the swim season has started. Meets do not start until June and are not compulsory.

BSA Meet entry forms will be emailed to all swimmers. You can find the meet information below.

Swim Meets - $12 per swimmer ($30 for 3+ ) - Kern County Swim Council have increased meet fees. If you do wish to attend the Championship Meet July 16th, they do require that you attend a minimum of 3 meets.

WILL BE UPDATED DURING THE SEASON - KERN SWIMMING MEET FILES Scratch Form Fees may still be charged Late Entry Form - direct to Kern swimming - $10 fee

Meets - see link to Kern swimming site Entry forms will be emailed directly from BSA To sign up to compete at meets, you will be provided a new enrollment system. You will need to create an account to be able to compete.

Our job is to make sure our swimmers have fun and learn a lot. It is important to encourage them that swimming is always about beating your personal best and continuing to improve on your technique and your times. Help us to teach them to be the best they can be, with hard work and dedication. Please note, you are not required to attend swim meets though we do encourage it as it is a great experience for our swimmers. This will help build on their confidence, give them benchmarks for them to reach personal best goals and it is a lot of fun. We will have more information on meets as we move through the season.

Please note, you are not required to attend swim meets though we do encourage it as it is a great experience for our swimmers. This will help build on their confidence, give them benchmarks for them to reach personal best goals and it is a lot of fun. We will have more information on meets as we move through the season.

More Information

For any further questions, please contact Team Manager, Becca at team@bakersfieldswimacademy.com. Or phone BSA (661) 615 6530 to speak to our friendly staff.


**** Prior info for Team sign ups

New Team Updates

HOW TO REGISTER: Update your account details on our Parent Portal.

2024 entries will need to be processed via the BSA Parent Portal.

Team Registration opens March 1st at 7am and closes when the team reaches capacity. We will accept waitlists.

You will need to hold an active account with BSA in order to register for Swim Team. If you do not remember your Parent Portal user ID or you're not sure if you have an active account, you can contact the front desk for further information (661) 615-6530 or see the following links to Register or login to enroll.


Following are our tentative swim meets for the 2025 season. You are not required to attend meets but should you wish to attend the County Championship meet, you must attend at least 3 meets throughout the season. Each meet is $10 per child or $25 for a family.

Saturday - May 31st Wasco A Meet

Tuesday - June 3rd Lakeside B Meet

Saturday - June 7th Taft A Meet

Tuesday - June 10th Taft B Meet

Saturday - June 14th BSA A Meet

Tuesday - June 17th TBA

Saturday - June 21st TBA

Tuesday - June 24th AA B Meet (Tentative)

Friday/Saturday - June 27th/28th AA 2-Day Meet

Saturday - July 12th KSC Championship Meet